Dear Resident
The Chair, Dr Marcus Solanki would like to ‘Thank’ all of you that were able to attend the Christmas Party on 9th December 2024. It was very well participated and lovely to see everyone talking, eating, and enjoying themselves.
The window programme is continuing site despite being slowed down by the weather and faulty windows being delivered and having to be sent back to be remade.
The planning permission for the remaining exterior doors, to open out-ward, was granted. These have all been ordered and will be delivered and work will commence to instal them from January 2025.
We hope to have all the new windows and doors fitted to all properties by the end of March 2025.
External Painting:
Unfortunately, the weather has stopped the external painting work. This will commence in 2025, when the weather is better, and the exterior wood is dry. The gutters are still going to be cleared.
NMH Hall:
Maintenance work will commence in January 2025, in the NMH. This will mean that the hall will be out of use for January and into February. Unfortunately, this will mean that there will be a lot of contractor’s vehicles on the carpark during the daytime.
Kitchens and Bathrooms:
The upgrading of kitchens and bathroom, where necessary is continuing. The remaining properties that require upgrades will be completed by the end of 2025.
I wish you all ‘A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’.
Dr Marcus Solanki MBE.
Chair of the trustees
North Memorial Homes.
Tony Nelson
Chair of Trustees